Miss Circle

A Baldi Bot extension bot where you can listen to Baldi music

Invite | Prefix: @mention Uptime: 100% Owner: matthewsdevelopment

Miss Circle is a Baldi Bot extension bot where you can listen to Baldi music. This bot lets you listen to all of the songs you can play with Baldi Bot#0049

NOTE: This bot ONLY has the Soundboard system from the original Baldi Bot. If you want AI, Baldi Mods, etc, invite the standard Baldi Bot: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?clientid=821513607916814376&permissions=0&integrationtype=0&scope=bot+applications.commands . We created this bot because Discord bots can only be in 1 VC per Discord server.

This bot has been proudly made by Matthew's Development (The same creators of Baldi Bot#0049)